This setup focuses on Pixhawk Firmware and Rover Parameter Setup using QGroundControl. We will also use QGroundControl to update the SiK telemetry radios. QGroundControl is an easy-to-use, cross-platform and open source program that we will also use to set parameters in ArduRover, calibrate sensors, plan autonomous missions, monitor vehicle status, and download and covert log files. If you’re completely new to this, start by reading the QGroundControl documentation.
Install ArduRover Firmware
- Install QGroundControl on your computer
- Open QGroundControl and ensure that you have an internet connection
- Click on the Gears icon at the top left to navigate to the ‘Vehicle Setup’ page and then click ‘Firmware’

- Connect the Pixhawk to your computer with the micro USB cable and QGC should detect the Pixhawk automatically. If it doesn’t, try a different USB port
- In the ‘Firmware Setup’ dialogue box select ‘ArduPilot Flight Stack’ and in the dropdown menu select the latest ChibiOS version of ArduRover

- After QGC updates the firmware on your Pixhawk, unplug the USB cable and click on the ‘Q’ icon at the top left, and then back to the ‘Vehicle Setup’ page and ‘Firmware’
- Connect the ground telemetry radio. QGC should automatically detect it and install the latest firmware
- Plug the micro USB into the Pixhawk and then connect it to your computer. After the Pixhawk connects to QGC, click on the gears icon at the upper left and then on ‘Frame’ on the menu bar on the left
- In the ‘Frame’ menu, select ‘Rover’

Rover Parameters
The Maker Boat Basic uses the Rover Frame with Skid Steering. You can read more about skid steer setup here.
- Click ‘Parameters’ at the bottom left
- In the search bar – enter ‘SERVO1_FUNCTION’ and click on it when it appears
- In the parameter editor, use the drop-down menu to select ‘ThrottleLeft’ and click ‘Save’
- In the search bar – enter SERVO3_FUNCTION and click on it when it appears
- In the parameter editor, use the drop-down menu to select ‘ThrottleRight’ and click ‘Save’

Now we will set the parameters for the throttle and yaw, which are mapped to RC inputs 3 and 2, respectively. In the Rover frame, roll is used instead of yaw, which can be confusing. Pitch and yaw are not used, but make sure that they are not mapped to 2 or 3, or they will not work
- In the parameter search bar enter ‘RCMAP_ROLL’ and click on it when it appears
- Click on the parameter editor, enter ‘2’ and click ‘Save’
- In the parameter search bar enter ‘RCMAP_THROTTLE’ and click on it when it appears
- Click on the parameter editor, enter ‘3’ and click ‘Save’
- In the parameter search bar enter ‘RCMAP_YAW’ and click on it when it appears
- Click on the parameter editor, enter ‘4’ and click ‘Save’
- In the parameter search bar enter ‘RCMAP_PITCH’ and click on it when it appears
- Click on the parameter editor, enter ‘1’ and click ‘Save’
Autonomous aircraft (quadcopters, planes, etc.) and ground rovers usually have a buzzer and a safety switch. The safety switch prevents the motors from arming until it is pressed. All of our hardware will be mounted inside a waterproof box so we will not use the safety switch.
- Click on ‘Parameters’ and then ‘ARMING’. Then double click on ‘ARMING_CHECK’ and in the menu on the right, check ‘Compass’ and ‘GPS Lock’ and leave the rest unchecked
- Ensure that the safety switch is disabled by searching for ‘BRD_SAFETYENABLE’
- Set the speed of auto missions with the ‘CRUISE_SPEED’ parameter. For survey missions that require higher spatial resolution, a speed of 1-2 m/s is appropriate. For survey missions that must be executed relatively quickly, a speed of 3-5 m/s is recommended. Do not set a speed higher than 5 m/s for this build
Now, that you have completed the Pixhawk Firmware and Rover Parameter Setup, let’s wire up your Pixhawk.